Day 203

Day 203


Real life hobbit

When archaeologists found the skeleton of an ancient human in a cave on the island of Flores in Indonesia, they thought it belonged to a child. Closer examination showed that the remains were that of an adult.

At only 1 meter high, Homo floresiensis was nicknamed “the hobbit” and lived over 100,000 years ago, not long before modern humans appeared I. This part of the world. There has not been a clear consensus as to how the Flores man came to this part of the world.

“Homo floresiensis evolved from a group of hominins who somehow crossed the sea to the Indonesian island of Flores perhaps more than a million years ago. Shrinking in size may have been a useful adaptation to island life where resources were limited, as a smaller body and brain reduces energetic demands.”

As much as we know about our origins and the diversity of humankind, we continue to make new discoveries.


Photo courtesy of: Rosino, CC BY-SA 2.0 -\_floresiensis\_cave.jpg

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