Day 232

Day 232


Ashes to art

The healing power of creativity for firefighters.

Virginia artist Kathy Sullivan was seated next to firefighters who were flying home from a conference. They got into a conversation about the stress firefighters experience in their jobs, and Sullivan had an idea for using art to support first responders.

The program offers open-ended sessions that may run a few hours. Attendance is limited to approximately 12 participants. There is a bit of structure but first responders are encouraged to go wherever their creative impulses take them.

There was some resistance at first. Firefighters like rules and are not always comfortable asking for help. But they soon lose themselves in the creative flow. Some have even gone on to make art outside of the program and have had success selling their work.

“The benefits of the program have been far-ranging. Some participants have felt that creating art helps with debriefing from difficult calls, both in the near and distant past.”

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