Every Day you should reach out and touch someone
—Maya Angelou
We all love to snuggle with our dear ones. A hug from someone we love brings us comfort and makes us feel happy. And there’s a biochemical reason why. Human touch releases oxytocin, the love hormone.
We don’t need reasons to cuddle but we might be surprised by some of the benefits brought on by an abundance of this feel good hormone…
Cuddling improves sleep. The oxytocin that is released has been shown to help with sleep apnea.
Physical closeness can also curb cravings and help with weight loss.
Touch strengthens immunity, lowers inflammation, eases chronic pain and lowers high blood pressure. All this in turn reduces the risk of heart disease.
Holding hands can reduce stress and anxiety.
The love hormone creates deep bonds that lead to stronger our relationships.
Take every chance you have to hug your honey.