Day 366

Day 366


I came across this beautiful perspective of our world from Dr. Zach Bush, MD and thought it was the perfect final post for our year of light. 

We burn so bright.

From a physics standpoint, stars appear as the brightest things in the universe… 

And yet the mitochondria within our human bodies are 10,000 times more efficient per cubic centimeter at creating light than the surface of the sun… 

Take a moment to let that sink in. You are brighter than the sun. 

When we recognize our species of 8 billion people on this planet, we must remember we are 8 billion stars burning 10,000 times brighter than the other billion and a half stars in our galaxy. 

This planet is a beacon of hope to the universe of black vacuum space — a magnificent mass that creates more beauty, more biodiversity, and more life with every passing billion years.

I believe the universe is paying attention to us right now. 

It knows we are here. 

We are witnessing a planet that is weaving our way through an intelligent macrocosm that pours its love and attention upon us.

At this tipping point of vibration, we continue against all odds to show up here as 8 billion suns to change the light energy on our planet. 

And here we are, all in it together. 

We have the opportunity to change our relationship to nature and physics so we can burn even brighter.

—Dr. Zach Bush, MD

This was a nice reminder that we don’t need to look further than ourselves to find it. 

This is our final seed of light but don’t stop looking for the light in our world and in yourself. 


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